Pushing Buttons - The Blog

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the Friday Edition - the one during the fires

the Friday Edition - the one during the fires

January 10, 20252 min read

There is absolutely nothing I can think to write or do that is more important than asking you to consider how to help the victims of the fires that still, as of this writing, are destroying the LA area.

I know at least two friends who have lost their family home and everything in it within moments. I also know of the devastation fire can bring having lost my nephew 18 years ago. Not a wildfire, but I learned a few things that I thought I’d share here.

If you are like me and distant from the fires, here are some tips from my disaster relief and personal experiences:

  • Please don’t send used clothes or household items - most organizations find these really difficult to store and sort through before they are no longer clean or usable

  • Only send care packages that local organizations have requested and be sure to follow any explicit directions on how to pack, what to pack, etc.

  • Please be careful of gofundme’s and similar - I don’t have a way to tell you how to confirm they are legitimate and that the funds will reach the victims, but ask questions. Do give, just investigate if you don’t directly know the organizer

  • If you have a way to know of a trusted local organizations, businesses, or churches that are pooling resources to help, that is one of the key ways resources can be deployed. (Still verify)

  • Of course, donating blood is always a way to support any disasters

  • If you know someone directly impacted, gift cards from major retailers can be so helpful - especially Target and Walmart

No AI or other tools to share this week - we hope you understand - though chatGPT is likely a good place to look for ways to serve or handle a particular situation. It's just not our focus this week.

Please take a moment to lift others up in prayer or energy or in circles - however you send love.

Then please consider giving to one of these organizations:

*I’ve worked with both of these orgs during Hurricane Katrina, and though neither have specific funding pages up as of this writing, I still recommend if the other options aren't what you are looking for.

There is a list being curated by Ryan Reynolds who likely has some insider information we should consider.

Yes, there are so many places to give and people to help - if this isn’t for you, we hope you’ll serve somewhere that is!

With much love,

Rebecca and the Advisory 9 team

P.S. - if you are impacted directly by the fires and have suggestions for organizations or changes we should make to these tips, please let us know when you can. We’ll continue updating in coming editions.

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Rebecca Whitney

Founder and CEO of Advisory 9

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the Friday Edition

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